The Registration of Readers
- All researchers wishing to consult archival material are required to fill out a Researcher’s Registration form and read the Rules of the Reading Room.
- Researchers will be issued with a reader’s card with a barcode to be used solely by the registrant.
- Researchers should inform the Reading Room Attendant of any changes in their name or address.
- The reader’s card should be produced whenever the researcher wishes to consult materials.
- The lost or damage of a reader’s card will incur a replacement cost of $5BDS.
- All researchers are required to place their bags in the lockers provided at the front of the Centre.
- All visitors are required to sign the visitors’ book showing their name, business or private address and the date of their arrival.
- Researchers may not take unauthorized materials into the Reading room.
Electronic Devices
- Cellular phones must be switched off or set to vibrate in the Reading Room.
- The use of cellular phones with cameras is prohibited.
- Researchers should seek permission from the Archivists-in-charge to use digital cameras, handheld scanners or other reprographic devices.
- Laptops are allowed in the Reading Room. However, the sound of the laptop should be switched off.
The Production of Material
- Material will be produced only after the researcher has filled out a Request form.
- Material considered by the Archivists-in-charge to be fragile or otherwise vulnerable to handling, may only be consulted under such conditions, as the Archivists-in-charge think are requisite for its safety.
- The Archivists-in-charge reserves the right to restrict access to material if it is at risk of damage.
The Issue and Return of Material
- All materials that a researcher wishes to consult should be recorded in a Request form supplied by the Reading Room attendant.
- A researcher may not have at any one time more records than are deemed by the Archivists-in-charge to be in compliance with the safety of the material.
- Researchers should return all records to the Reading Room attendant, before leaving the Reading Room.
- Researchers who wish records to be made available for their use on the following day should inform the Reading Room attendant before leaving.
The Handling of Material
- Pencils are the only writing implements allowed in the Reading Room.
- Researchers should not lean on, write on, mark, crumple, or in any way alter the physical condition of any record.
- Drawing and tracing of any material is not allowed.
- Researchers should maintain the arrangement of items within files. The original order of the files must be kept.
- Eating and drinking are not allowed in the Reading Room.
- Smoking is not permitted inside the building.
The Reproduction of Material
- The records of the West Indies Federation may not be reproduced, unless otherwise permitted by the Archivists-in-charge.
- The records of the Cave Hill Campus may not reproduce, unless otherwise permitted by the Campus Registrar.
- The researcher must sign a Copyright Declaration Form whenever permission for reproduction is granted.
- The charge for any reproduction is subject to revision from time to time.
Archivists’ Note
Users are encouraged to abide by these rules to ensure the long-term preservation of the archival materials.
Users should take full advantage of any exhibitions or other education programmes being run from time to time.
Disabled access to the building is provided. Any researcher with special needs should contact the Archivists-in-charge before arrival at the Archives.